Making Juice


Nutritional Goodness

Fruit and vegetable juices have a role to play in the Australian diet by contributing to the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables.

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Serving Sizes

A serving of juice with no added sugar, according to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, is 125mL.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines state that an occasional 125ml glass of fruit juice with no added sugar is equivalent to one serve of fruit. Without juice, many Australians would not consume their recommended daily intake of fruit.

ABCL Membership

The Australian Beverages Council Ltd [ABCL] is the peak body representing the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Our Membership is comprised of small, medium-sized and large companies. Collectively these companies produce over 95% of the industry’s volume. You can read our Member Benefits Factsheet, or click on the ‘learn more’ button below to visit our Become a Member page.

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Economics & Demographics

The juice industry currently contributes $800 million to the Australian economy, supporting approximately 5,000 full-time- equivalent jobs. While the industry has faced a number of challenges in recent years, the industry is a very important part of regional Australia.

For every 1 direct employee in the beverages manufacturing industry (including juice), there are 4.9 jobs required elsewhere in the economy to produce and retail beverages.

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Who buys juice?

According to Roy Morgan Single Source, men (27.6%) are slightly more likely than women (26.3%) to consume packaged fruit juice, with young people of both genders being the most avid consumers. Among men, consumption peaks among 18-24 year-olds (34.6%), while the 65+ bracket is least likely to drink it (25.5%).

Among women, 38.8% of girls aged 14-17 consume fruit juice/drinks in an average seven days, putting them well ahead of other age groups – particularly women aged 65 or older, 19.9% of whom partake.

Industry People

Brian Harris

Brian grew up on a citrus farm in the Hills District and managed his parent’s farm from a young age. His Central Coast story started when he purchased a Mangrove Mountain citrus farm in 1965. Back then, he sold oranges and lemons through an agent and to fresh juice manufacturers in Sydney, Gosford, and Parramatta.

Source: Eastcoast Beverages Continue Reading

Ross Hitchcock

Ross Hitchcock’s farming story goes back to the 1800s, when his family had farmland, including citrus trees, in the Hills and Hawkesbury districts. Ross’s grandfather moved to Kulnura on the Central Coast and purchased the current farm in 1936. The property had some rich history including an old water-powered sawmill on site.

Source: Eastcoast Beverages Continue Reading

Reg Bennet

Reg Bennett’s farm is a story about family and community. His father bought 80 acres of prime Mangrove Mountain land in 1936 to grow oranges and lemons. He cleared 14 acres by hand with a combination of gelignite and hard work.

Source: Eastcoast Beverages Continue Reading

Robert Hoddle

Thirteen years ago, the Hoddle family decided to take advantage of their perfect climate and land to grow citrus fruits. They now have 23,000 trees across 40 hectares, supplying the industry with the sweetest, juiciest Salustiana oranges throughout winter and spring.

Source: Eastcoast Beverages Continue Reading

Rodger Wilson

With 6,000 citrus trees to care for on Wyuna Farm, it’s just as well that Rodger Wilson loves the great outdoors. Rodger and his wife Lorraine have farmed here since 1965, and the family history goes back even further.

Source: Eastcoast Beverages Continue Reading


Container Deposit Schemes

The ABCL and Juice Australia have supported the implementation of Container Deposit Schemes [CDS] across Australia. Currently, South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory have a CDS. Victoria and Tasmania are in the process of adopting CDS.

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Sustainability Working Group

Juice Australia and the ABCL have formed a Sustainability Working Group to the increasing need for the organisation to formulate and communicate a Sustainability strategy on behalf of the non-alcoholic beverages industry. Learn More

